Mackay & District Orchid Society Inc

The Mackay District Orchid Society Inc. was formed in September 1957.

The Society holds its General Meeting at 7.30p.m on the third Thursday of each month (except December) at the Sporting Wheelies Hall, 78 Bridge Rd, East Mackay. All visitors are welcome.

The meeting runs along the lines of a formal meeting from 7:30 until approx. 8:15. Then the formal meeting is broken up for a popular vote of the plants the members bring along. At this time tea & coffee is served. A guest speaker gives a talk on a subject relating to orchid growing or a presentation on orchids is shown. After the break and lecture, the popular vote and judges’ choices are read out, followed by a plant commentary. The society has an extensive library. Members can borrow books from the library.

The society holds 3 shows each year (Autumn, Winter & Spring) where members exhibit their orchids in competition with other members of the Society. Also, the shows allow the general public to view the flowers and members are available to answer any questions.

The Society also runs bus trips to places of interest to orchid growers. Social outings are organised so members can get to know each other.

Some months (in the cooler months) a very informal ‘workshop’ is held on the Saturday after the General Meeting. These are usually held at the home of a member and are great for the new members to learn more about orchid culture. Tea & coffee are provided while members ‘bring a plate’ for afternoon tea.

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